Nineteenth-century humorist Josh Billings famously said, "Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds a man down or polishes him up depends on the stuff he's made of." Here are five tips to help you make sure life's polishing you into a beautiful gem: Slow down. Yes, we're all busy, and we all have deadlines we need to meet. But trying to go 100 miles per hour in 20 different directions simultaneously will only get you nowhere that much faster. Take some time each day to step away from the grind, unwind, and slow down. Go for a walk. Spend time by yourself. Buy a coworker lunch or a cup of coffee. Or just relax, recharge, and reconnect with the world around you. You'll return more focused and better able to handle the day. Show appreciation. As human beings, we all appreciate feeling, well, appreciated. Make sure you thank those around you for the things they do to help and encourage you. Let your coworkers know how much their time, talents, encouragement, ...