Do you have a favorite catalog? In days past, the Sears Christmas edition or the Lana Lobell fashion catalogs were the birthplace of many shopping addictions. But though these nostalgic beauties hold a special place in many hearts, catalogs certainly haven’t disappeared from today’s marketing landscape. Companies like L.L. Bean, Ikea, J. Crew, and Athleta continue to dominate sales through the distribution of printed catalogs. And people enjoy reading them. According to USPS, 47% of people set aside catalogs to read later, and 84% of consumers said they genuinely enjoyed receiving unexpected catalogs from places they had previously shopped. Enthusiasm has soared – response rates from catalogs has increased 170% from 2004 to 2018! Using Hard Copy Catalogs in Your Omnichannel Marketing With a decrease in printed mail, today’s paper catalog is primarily a marketing tool – one of maximum potential during the holiday season. The most sophistic...