After all your work hard and marketing efforts enticing prospects to visit your website, it can be frustrating to see high bounce rates. Bounce rate is an Internet marketing term that represents the percentage of visitors who enter your website and bounce -- or leave the site -- rather than continuing to view other pages within your site or complete a desired action.
Here are a few common website mistakes that are often responsible for driving away potential customers:
Here are a few common website mistakes that are often responsible for driving away potential customers:
- The basics. An unattractive design, spelling errors, broken links, images that take forever to load, and other annoyances will quickly cause visitors to lose trust and confidence in your business.
- Poor navigation. If visitors can't tell where they are, where to click next, or how to get back to your homepage, they will likely just exit.
- Complicated, lengthy web pages. Instead, provide information that is brief and organized with headlines and sub-headings, bulleted lists, and short paragraphs.
- Too many distractions. Popup ads, flashing information, and similar devices can easily frustrate or lead visitors away from your site.
- Dated content. How will visitors know if anything is the latest and greatest information if you don't take the time to update key areas on your website?
- Music or sound effects. These are not only annoying, but also embarrassing for visitors viewing your site from a public place. Users will likely close out of your site as quickly as possible.
- No contact information. While a "contact us" form is helpful, your website should also include your telephone number and physical address. The more contact information you include, the more visitors will be reassured you are legit.
- Asking too many questions. Requiring too much information from visitors may scare some away. Make it easy for visitors to request additional information by simply asking for their name and basic contact information. Also provide quick turnaround in response to show you respect their time.
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