When you're in any kind of selling situation, getting objections from your prospect is actually a very positive sign. Many will see the objection as a "no" when that really isn't the case at all.
When your prospect objects, what they're really saying is that some issue is causing them to pause and hesitate. The mere fact that they're giving voice to their objection offers a great opportunity to address those areas of concern. If they were truly not interested, you would receive little or no response at all to your proposal.
Objections are like an open door -- an invitation for you to convince the prospect that your solution is the best fit for their need.
One of the most popular objections is the price objection, especially in today's economic cycle. Most people are willing to spend more, but they must be given valid reasons why your price is higher. You must be able to show them the benefits and advantages of agreeing to your proposal.
In this economic environment, you'll have to work a little harder to overcome the price objections. You'll need to prepare your compelling reasons and unique selling proposition ahead of time. Remember that even a price objection is merely an invitation to prove your worth.
Always remember not to take objections personally. The prospect isn't rejecting you. Just like an attorney in court, they're merely raising their hand to voice concern about something in your presentation. Answer the objection, and you'll win the case.
When your prospect objects, what they're really saying is that some issue is causing them to pause and hesitate. The mere fact that they're giving voice to their objection offers a great opportunity to address those areas of concern. If they were truly not interested, you would receive little or no response at all to your proposal.
Objections are like an open door -- an invitation for you to convince the prospect that your solution is the best fit for their need.
One of the most popular objections is the price objection, especially in today's economic cycle. Most people are willing to spend more, but they must be given valid reasons why your price is higher. You must be able to show them the benefits and advantages of agreeing to your proposal.
In this economic environment, you'll have to work a little harder to overcome the price objections. You'll need to prepare your compelling reasons and unique selling proposition ahead of time. Remember that even a price objection is merely an invitation to prove your worth.
Always remember not to take objections personally. The prospect isn't rejecting you. Just like an attorney in court, they're merely raising their hand to voice concern about something in your presentation. Answer the objection, and you'll win the case.
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