There's a radio station you may have never heard of, but it's one you need to tune into each and every day if you really want to grow your business. It's called WIIFM, and it stands for "What's In It For Me." Yes, this is a fictional radio station, and yes, it's a bit cheeky, but the message is one you can't ignore. Your customers are being bombarded with messages every single day. The only messages that will register are those which adhere to the WIIFM principles. You must clearly spell out what's in it for them, or your listener will quickly tune you out. Here's a good quote to remember from Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales: "It's actually surprising how many people don't follow this simple guideline of courtesy. I often get long, tedious emails from people explaining to me in great detail how I can help them and how great it would be for them if I would work on their project, or endorse it, etc. But they fail to consi...